2024 Food Pantry Box Sponsorship

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I John 3:18 - “My children, let us not love in word or in speech, but in action and truth.”

This year we have added another school to our Food Pantry partnerships.  This means we are supporting at least 50 families and 20 seniors with immediate needs and that number will likely increase as the summer approaches.  We would like to partner with you to provide for the families in need within our community.  Every month families and seniors will get a monthly food box that covers everyday essentials they may be lacking. 

We would love for you to partner with us!  This season we are offering the opportunity for our community to contribute towards the cost of these boxes of love.  Please see our giving options below or contact LaSonya Thompson with further questions.  LaSonya@stbch.org 

Thank you so much for supporting our community and those in need.  
Box Options

If you would like to sponsor a box or a yearly bundle of boxes, please select your quantity and continue to the checkout screen.

Monthly Boxes Cost $35
A Year Of Boxes Cost $400
One Time Donation

If you would like to give a one time donation toward our provisions, please enter your donation amount here.
Would you like to help in the process?

For these boxes to arrive safely to their new homes, we have need for the following assistance in the process.  Let us know if you'd like to participate!
Please select one option.


Please fill out this form and click submit.